Elegant fyrfadsstage i mundblæst glas. Graveret med de smukkeste mønstre, nogle med små smeltede prikker, hånddekoreret med guld. Fyrfadsstagen er mundblæst i et ekstra stærkt glasmateriale (Borosilikat), som er den stærkeste glastype, og ca. 8 gange stærkere end andre glastyper. Fyrfadsstagen pynter i enhver borddækning og indretning. Fyrfadsstagen kan bruges som enkel, eller sammen med andre fyrfadsstager. Fyrfadsstagen løfter dit julebord og kan med succes sættes sammen med vores mundblæste juletræer.
Fyrfadsstagerne findes i mange forskellige mønstre, og COSMO ROYALE udvælger gerne en eller flere smukke fyrfadsstager til dig.
Har du særlige ønsker, er du velkommen til at skrive det på ordren, dog tages der forbehold for udsolgte mønstre.
Den viste pris er pr. stk.
COSMO ROYALE glassware is hand blown and engraved by skilled artisans. This has enabled us to combine skilled craftsmanship with Nordic designs by Gitte Carlend. COSMO ROYALE glassware is made from lead free Pyrex glass. This extra strong material ensures against breakage and cracks and last 6 times longer than regular glass or crystal. For the decorations we use real 10 carat yellow gold or 10 carat white gold.
Glassware from COSMO ROYALE should be cleaned by using a mild dish soap and a soft dish brush. Rinse with hot water and dry with a soft kitchen towel while taking care not to twist the stem. Glassware decorated with gold or white gold should not be soaked in water for any amount of time. COSMO ROYALE glassware with a clear finish are microwave and dishwasher safe. Glassware with gold, white gold or mother of pearl finish are not microwave or dishwasher safe. Tip: For the absolute best tasting experience, make sure to rinse the glassware with clean water.
Our COSMO ROYALE glassware come in 8 exclusive designs and 12 different shapes or sizes. This makes our glasses not only unique and elegant but also very versatile. They can be mixed and matched in so many ways – even with other glassware. This gives you endless possibilities to set a very unique table that has all the elegance and boldness that you may want.
was founded in 2019 by designer Gitte Carlend. Gitte wanted to make unique and exquisitely handcrafted glassware that had the perfect shape and proportion for enhancing the drinking experience. At the same time, she wanted sustainable and skilled craftsmanship made in only the best quality. “When you can’t find what you are looking for, you must design it” – Gitte Carlend
Cosmo Royale
Store Valbyvej 274, Østrup
4000 Roskilde
Tlf.: +45 50 11 11 60
E-mail: kontakt@cosmoroyale.dk